Casement window

Casement window

Windows play a crucial role in the overall architecture of a house. They are not only the source of light and air circulation but also contribute to the aesthetic element of the entire building. Among the traditional window styles, the casement window is the most common and widely used in home design.

Awning window

Awning window

Awning windows are one of the popular window types with excellent features that allow users to open the window to let in light and air during damp, rainy weather without getting water inside the house. At the same time, opening and closing the window does not affect the space and usage area of the room.

Awning windows have a luxurious design and are suitable for villas, high-rise buildings, and office spaces.

Gliding windows

Gliding windows

Sliding windows are currently a popular choice among customers due to their practicality and reasonable cost, suitable for most apartments, offices, schools, hospitals, etc. The sliding window is opened by sliding on rails, with 1 to 3 rails, 2 to 6 panels and can be opened from ½ to 2/3 of the window area. This is one of the aluminum glass door products that is suitable for saving open space.